Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Dog & His Boy(s)

Since the day the boys arrived home, Murray has been in love with them. He has always been very gentle and wanted to be close to them. Murray's dreams are finally coming true and the boys are starting to return the attention.

More than anyone, Andrew has really started to show interest in Murray. During dinner, Andrew is easily distracted when Murray walks around. Over the past couple days, Andrew has even started petting Murray. Murray helps by positioning himself very close to the boys while they are playing and then Andrew reaches out to him and rubs him. As you see in the photo below, Murray still loves to "kiss" the boys and they don't seem to mind (yuck!).

Don't worry Murray, it will not be too long before the boys are able to run around and play with you in the backyard!

What about Chewie you ask? He is still very stand-offish with the boys. When he gets close to them, they are also reaching out to him. Since he has long hair, there have been moments where the little hands have grabbed a fist full of fur. I have been able to stop them before one quick tug turns a cute situation into something ugly! Don't worry Chewie, it will not be too long before the boys are able to run around and play with Murray in the backyard. When that day comes, you will again experience some peace and quiet in the house during the daylight hours!

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