It is my second Mother's day as a Mother but the first I was able to really enjoy! Last year, we were in the very early days with the boys and I was still trying to figure out how to survive. I did not even post last year on Mother's day which meant there was nothing real positive to report.
This year is a much different story! My Mother's day celebrations started on Friday when flowers arrived from Peggy and Dooker, my mother and father in law. It was such a pleasant surprise to receive flowers. This certainly made me feel special.
On Saturday when we arrived home, Mike gave me a card from the boys (that they actually signed) and a card from Breana. The card from Breana was also a very pleasent surprise. I know I focus a lot on the daily duties of being a Mom but I also enjoy my role as a step-mom to Breana, Mandy and Veronica and I it was wonderful to receive a Mother's day card, thank you Bre! The boys (and Daddy of course) also got me a new robe for Mother's day, exactly what I wanted... how did you know?
With Daddy working on Mother's day, I was able to spend the day playing with the boys. It was a wonderful day! During the boys' nap, I called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. During the conversation, she asked if I had taken the boys outside to play with their new sand and play table yet. I had not ventured into the back yard with the boys and did not have a real good reason as to why. As soon as I hung up the phone, I knew was our afternoon would involve.
Andrew and Wesley woke up from their nap a little early. This was PERFECT! One of my hesitations to going outside was that Jared still crawls most of the time and I worried about him crawling on the patio. So, as soon as Andrew and Wesley woke up, we headed outside to have some fun. We spent about 30 minutes outside before Jared woke up and then we headed inside and everyone got their early baths.
Oh my goodness, it was HOT, HOT, HOT!!! But, we had fun playing for a short time and then heading back into the safety of the air conditioning. Here are some pictures from my wonderful Mother's Day....
As soon as I opened the back doors, Wesley ran straight out into the middle of the yard. Once he was about 30 feet from the house, he stopped and froze. It was at this moment that he started to realize the grass underneath his feet was much different than the carpet in the house. Typical Wes, act first with NO FEAR and think later...
Wesley is also our little guy that loves to feel different textures, this experience was no different. He enjoyed sitting in the grass and feeling the grass (and dirt)...

Andrew, on the other hand, is Mr. Cautious! He stayed on the patio and did not want to step off into the grass. The one time he took a step onto the grass and he fell. From this point forward, he placed his own invisible fence at the edge of the patio.....

Both of the boys spent some time playing with the new table...

They were not exactly sure what to do with the table so they splashed in the water and felt the sand. It will be a little while before we are building sand castles....

Even though it was hot (did I mention it was hot), it was nice to have a change of scenory. Very soon, we will get back out with Jared as well. This year's Mother's Day is such a different experience from last years. Last year, I felt so overwhelmed that I did not allow myself to really enjoy my new role as a Mother. This year, the boys have developed into really fun little people that I can just sit back and enjoy!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day! Thank you to everyone that helped make this day special, especially the boys and their wonderful father who made these moments possible!
Take care,
You are brave to already be messing with sand! The boys are lucky to have such a fun mommy!